Friday, October 21, 2016

Hudson's Birth Story

Hudson Wilford Zaugg was born Saturday October 8th at 4:27am. He weighed 7 lbs 7 oz & measured 21 inches long. We are so in love with our cute little boy.

38 weeks pregnant and we had just returned home to Moab (Thursday October 6th) from Jake's parents house up north.  I had my once a month Radiologic Science classes and I also wanted to take my limited license exam while we were up there too, I figured it would be easier to take it before Hudson arrived ... but I had been having contractions on and off for the last two weeks (about one every hour to two hours--nothing painful, but enough to notice they were happening.) So as you can imagine it was hard to concentrate not only on the class discussion, but especially on my timed 3 hours test where I had to scan my hand to go to the bathroom and then scan it again when I came back to make sure I really was Karlie Zaugg.

Along comes Friday night and I tune into a live Q&A about breastfeeding on Facebook.  Just as I started to watch I began to have "real" contractions. They were definitely more intense than the ones I had previously experienced the weeks prior.  But, I wasn't convinced that this was the real thing, because I had heard EVERYWHERE that first time mom's usually go past their due date--so expect to go well into your 41st or 42nd week to deliver-- and that labor and delivery for first timers also takes a lot longer-- so expect to be in labor for hours.  Anyway, I called my mom about 7:45pm because the contractions had gotten noticeably stronger and I was becoming more reliant on my deep breathing to get through them. Brittany was over at my parent's house and they both agreed that I was probably in labor. I still wasn't 100% convinced though. Jake was driving the tour boat for the Sound and Light show and got home around 9pm.  I heard the door open and close right as a contraction had finished and I went over to the stairs where he would be walking down to greet me ... instead the silly boy thought it would be funny to scare me and jump out from behind the wall, I wasn't scared though ;)  As soon as I told him I thought our son was coming he immediately apologized for "scaring" me and he went into his "take charge" mode. Asking me every 10 minutes or so if we should leave for the hospital yet. My response each time was "No, let's just wait a little longer to make sure this is real."  I was focused with each contraction, calling out for Jake to stop doing the dishes and come apply counter pressure whenever I felt another contraction coming on. There were lots of "Jake, I NEED YOU." during that time. They were coming every 4 minutes now and I felt like we needed to go to the hospital, we waited until just after one finished before racing to the car. It was 10:30pm when we arrived at the emergency room to check into labor and delivery. All I could do was sway back and forth and focus on my breathing. They took us back to the labor and delivery room and contacted the nurse that was on call for that night. It ended up being Sister Lewis from the ward! Her personality was perfect for me while I was laboring, I couldn't have been more pleased. As soon as she arrived she checked my cervix and I was 5 cm dilated and 100% effaced. Quickly it jumped to 7 cm and I had Jake run out to the car to grab our bags since we knew we weren't going to be leaving.  Of course Jake got locked out for 10 minutes trying to figure out a way to get back to me.  During this time I asked the nurse when a good time would be to get an epidural if I decided on one, she gave me a sweet look and said that I was just moving too quickly and by the time the anesthesiologist arrived I might be pushing the baby out.  This gave me hope that I really could do this all naturally without medication.  I had been prepping myself for an un-medicated birth experience with Hypnobirthing tracks ... basically deep relaxation.  Jake finally made it back in just as I was hopping into the bath tub to see if that would help me get through contractions a little easier. It helped, a ton. Jake sat by my side the whole time. After about an hour or so in the bath I felt that I couldn't do it any longer, she had me get out and I was at 8 cm. The amniotic sac still not broken.  I knelt on the bed and rested my head against my arms during the next set of contractions until I was at 10 cm and they told me to start pushing if I felt the urge to push.  Dr. Williams arrived shortly after that and broke my "bag of waters". I pushed for an hour to an hour and a half, laying on my side while Jake supported the weight of my leg. When I felt the burning sensation of pushing I knew his head was close to being out, Dr. Williams had me bring my hand down and feel the top of his little head to give me an extra boost of confidence. I was so excited to be done and meet this little boy already, a couple more pushes and he was out. They quickly gave him to me on my chest and I was so happy. Completely at peace and so in love ... with Jake and our Baby Hudson. I felt amazing, I was on some sort of birth high.  I got to hold Hudson uninterrupted for the next four hours before they weighed and measured him. I am so grateful I got that time with him. It was a sacred experience for me, I felt so full of our Heavenly Father's love for each of us and especially the love he has for me and for my little family.

My mom asked Jake to take a picture of me when we got all checked into the hospital.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Bumpdate Week 34!

Belly measurement: 38.5 inches

The doctor wanted me to get another ultrasound this last Monday because he thought the baby was measuring small, but the ultrasound showed that he's actually a little big for the due date. His head is 75th percentile... Oh boy.

The baby shower in Lancaster was so fun! The food was amazing and so was the company!

Monday, September 5, 2016

Bumpdate Week 33!

How far along? 33 weeks!

Belly measurement: 38 inches.... I'm interested to see how big and fast my belly grows in the upcoming weeks.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Bumpdate Week 31!

How far along? 31 weeks! 

Weight Gain: 6 pounds

Sleep? Still waking up to pee about once or twice a night. 

Challenges this week: not wanting to go into the hospital for clinicals. So close to being done though! 

Best moment this week: I won two giveaways on instagram! 4 bandana bibs, a saranoni receiving blanket (my absolute favorite blankets in the world), a skip hop light and sound owl, a nice pacifier, and a skip hop outfit! 

Weird pregnancy moment: I'm not fitting into a lot of my scrub tops anymore. 

Movement: he moves a lot but especially after I drink or eat. 

Food cravings: I havent had too much of an appetite for the last week. 

Anything making you queasy? I'm getting morning sickness again and I can't eat as much as I have been the last two months or else I feel sick for the rest of the day :(

Symptoms: varicose veins.... 

What are you looking forward to? Going up to Ogden with Jake to get his new glasses and I'm getting my eyelashes done... I love getting my lashes done :) 

Monday, August 15, 2016

Bumpdate Week 30!

How far along? 30 weeks! :) wahooo!

Weight Gain: 6 pounds

Sleep? Getting a little more uncomfortable during nights. But not bad.

Challenges this week: Feeling a little melancholy and always wanting to snack.

Best moment this week: Making hobo dinners with Jake for my birthday. We went up to Lake Oowah again (it feels so nice up there) and celebrated my birthday. We had no bake cherry cheesecake and gelato from the Brewery. Also, we got a pottery barn crib and rocking chair from Kim... I helped Jake set it up last night, it's feeling more real now!

Weird pregnancy moment: I can't go a few days without showering anymore...Haha.

Movement: I'm pretty sure he has been practicing jumping Jack's the last week, he'll have some good leg muscles when he arrives.

Food cravings: mint chocolate chip ice cream :)

Anything making you queasy? Nothing that comes to mind, but I've been feeling a little nauseous this week.

Symptoms: more Braxton hicks contractions, about once or twice a day.

What are you looking forward to? I'm starting shakeology this week and adding some more exercises to my routine. Usually I've been going on walks for about 40 minutes, but I started this little work out group with Noelle Briggs and I'll be doing a little bit more that will help with labor and delivery.

Monday, August 8, 2016

3D Ultrasound

We can't wait to meet him!

Bumpdate Week 29

How far along? 29 weeks! :)

Weight Gain: 4 pounds

Sleep? I have been falling asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow lately. I'm still waking up once in the middle of the night thinking I might die if I don't pee.

Challenges this week: Nothing comes to mind.

Best moment this week: Yesterday was our 1st anniversary! After church we packed a picnic and Jake drove us to a surprise location. We drove the La Sal Loop to Lake Oowah, by far my new favorite spot! It was more than 20 degrees cooler than Moab and I had the best company :) We read love letters--that we prepared for each other beforehand-- reflecting on our last year together. Our cheeks hurt from smiling and laughing at the memories shared... And of course I teared up from the sweet things he had written. It was the perfect day.

Weird pregnancy moment: This is more of an exciting moment than a weird one. Strangers are noticing that I'm pregnant now (it actually makes me happy to know that I LOOK pregnant now) and they'll ask me when I'm due and congratulate me.

Movement: Baby Z is still my little wiggle worm. I love feeling him move, but I love when Jake can feel him move even more! It still doesn't feel real that we're having a baby! I'm assuming it won't feel "real" until I'm actually in labor.

Food cravings: A slice of grandma sycamore bread with butter and Mom's canned peach jam (too good for words).

Anything making you queasy? I've been pretty good with foods and smells this week.

Symptoms: I started taking magnesium glycinate again this past week and that's helped dramatically with leg cramps and also Braxton hicks contractions when I'm active.

What are you looking forward to? My birthday this weekend!! I want to grill some hamburgers or kabobs at Lake Oowah with Jake and maybe some Dutch oven peach cobbler! The Cluffs have a peach tree in their yard and let us pick as many as we like... It's been peach heaven the last week :)

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Mammoth Lakes Vacation & Zach and Emma's Wedding

Jake and I went on a much needed vacation to Mammoth Lakes for a Kenyon/Anderson reunion and then to West Point for Zach and Emma's sealing. Jake works over 60 hours a week and I was doing 30 clinical hours at Moab Regional hospital plus 20 hours of work for Doctor Andrew in Springville each week, to say that we were excited for this vacation was an understatement.

Driving from Lancaster to Mammoth Lakes with Dallin in our new Saab.

Bre- 26 weeks pregnant, Britt and Baby Calvin 1 month old, Me- 27 weeks pregnant.

On our way to hike Rainbow Falls. Kate never snuggles, so this was a rare event. 

An early birthday lunch for me at the Cheesecake Factory!

Salt Lake City Temple for Zach and Emma's Sealing. We saw Elder Holland walk 3 feet from us into another sealing! It was a good day. 

Bumpdate Week 28

before and after of changing table

How far along? 28 weeks! 
Weight Gain: Back to my pre-pregnancy weight before I got "all day pregnancy sickness" and lost 18 pounds.
Sleep? Takes about 25 minutes to get comfortable enough to fall asleep, then I wake up once, maybe twice to pee in the middle of the night. I usually wake up feeling refreshed. 
Challenges this week: Staying cool, especially during Sacrament meeting. It feels like the air is never on and I'm constantly fanning myself with my make-shift fans. 
Best moment this week: Found a changing table at the thrift store for $5! It was TOO exciting to pass up a deal like that and it resembles the one my parents had for all of us when we were babies. Jake and I spray painted it white. We left it outside to "dry" in the Moab heat of 103 degrees, but when we walked to the front door of our basement apartment we found it was POURING rain outside--completely unexpected. My darling husband runs out in his socks to bring our little changing table inside to dry off and we couldn't help but laugh. 
Weird pregnancy moment: Feeling that I can't breath, I think it might be anxiety and I've never experienced it before pregnancy. I've been using the breathing exercises found in my hypnobirthing workbook-- Breath in peace, breath out tension-- it's the only thing that's been helping besides walking around. It's worse when I sit or lay on my back. 
Movement: Talk about a wiggle worm! This little guy is constantly kicking, re-positioning, or "swimming" around. I love it, especially when Jake can see and feel him moving.  
Food cravings: I can finally say that I have food cravings now! For the longest time food was repulsive and just the thought or smell of ANYTHING (not even joking) made me dry heave ... it was an experience like nothing else. Now I can proudly say that I crave chocolate ice cream (especially a frosty from Wendy's), good french toast (I've been dying to go to Maglebys Fresh or Kneaders), Alambre from Pepe's, and the Santa Fe Salad from The Cheesecake Factory.
Anything making you queasy? Certain smells, today at church someone smelled like chicken noodle soup and for some reason that made me queasy.
Symptoms: Leg cramps during the night and chin 
What are you looking forward to? Baby shower in California in a few weeks! And picking out a new Lularoe dress from Mom :)